Best-Selling Author
Linda Allred


Best-Selling Author
Linda Allred



“If you’re ready to go from just seeking fulfillment to actually having the fulfillment in life you deserve, I encourage you to let Linda be your trusted guide on the path to lasting happiness, radiant health, and profound success.”

—Raven Blair Glover, aka “The Talk Show Maven”

“Linda’s Journey to Lasting Happiness is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. With her comprehensive system, readers are equipped with practical strategies for achieving lasting happiness and success. Through engaging storytelling and profound insights, Linda empowers individuals to embrace change and live authentically. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to unlock their inner potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery.”

—Loral Langemeier, Author, The Millionaire Maker
Linda Allred Review

Before working with ACT™ I was bringing in $63,000 a year. I wanted to expand my business but I knew I had some limiting beliefs around being afraid to success. After ACT™, 2015 was a banner year. I had the courage to say YES to a JV opportunity. I quadrupled my business, hired 6 staff members, and in the month of November brought in $63,000. That is as much as I had made in the entire year in 2014. Thank you Linda and Nikkea. I am no longer afraid to succeed. You have made me The Hottest Ticket In “My” Town.”

Jamie Gilleland, Misyte, CEO , Statesboro, GA

Before working with the Accelerated Change Template (ACT™) Formula, I was already doing things to propel my business and my personal growth, but things were not “clicking” and moving forward. I felt stuck. My limiting beliefs were holding me back from taking action and achieving my goals. After ACT™, I now know my true value and worth and my business is really taking off. I’m able to serve my clients better because of my new found confidence. I have increased my revenues by 366%!”

Shannon Cunningham LeBlanc, WPN Chapter Leader, Baton Rouge, LA

Before I started working with Linda in her Accelerated Change Template (ACT™) Program, I had big goals but was not achieving them. I was working and doing the right things, yet nothing was working. After just 4 sessions using the Accelerated Change Template (ACT™) model, the world opened up for me. My income has doubled and my business is growing faster than I ever thought possible. I truly am “the hottest ticket in town” thanks to ACT™.”

Myrna Arroyo, Senior Marketing Consultant, Pepper Inbound Marketing

“When I first started working with ACT™ VIP Mentorship Program, I was totally ‘stuck in a rut’ in a job that I truly detested, yet I felt incapable of getting out of it. The power of ACT™ helped me identify the Limiting (subconscious) Beliefs that were holding me back from taking steps to instigating change, especially in my employment situation. After letting go of my feelings of low self-worth, regaining my personal power and my misconceptions about money, I am so happy to say that I now have a job I truly love and as an extra benefit even my relationship with my spouse has improved as well! Thank you, Linda, for this lasting gift. I feel so much better
about who I am and who I am fast becoming.”

Joan Hoffman, Eastern Therapy Specialist

“Linda recently spoke to more than 200 Best-Selling Authors at our Best-Sellers’ Summit in Hollywood, CA; all I can say is that she rocked the house. Everyone instantly fell in love with her, and I remember seeing her during one of the breaks after she spoke – she was mobbed! Everyone wanted to talk with her. She delivered key principles that had the audience glued to their seats and feverishly writing notes. She has a great story, and I am glad she could share it with our group.”

“Linda recently spoke at the Women’s Prosperity Network (WPN) Speaker’s Workshop in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and her presentation will stay with me for years to come! She is a firehouse onstage and has an uncanny way of connecting with each audience member.

Even though the room was packed, I felt like she was speaking directly to me.  I honestly felt as if I was listening to a female Zig Ziglar. Linda has a way of delivering complex ideas clearly so that you can’t help but want to live your life in a new way.  I’m so excited to have met Linda and would attend another one of her presentations in a heartbeat!”

“I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing Linda Allred speak. Wow! What a powerhouse. She rocked the stage. Her concepts for transforming your business into the “Hottest Ticket in Town” are game changers. She takes a complex subject and makes it simple. Her talk was as entertaining as it was educational. She has that unique gift of making the audience roar with laughter one minute and dabbing tears from their eyes the next. Linda is a source of ongoing inspiration; the principles she teaches, revealing valuable insights on how to “change your mindset to change your life,” will energize you and turbo-charge your business. It is, quite frankly, one of the best talks on transformative mindset I have ever heard.”

Before working with Linda, I knew I had a mental block, and I was living with a scarcity mindset. (I was afraid that my resources would run out.) But, with Linda’s help, I realized there were other areas of my life I had to deal with before addressing the financial concern, like relationship and trust issues. Linda helped me discover ways to let go of the things that were holding me back. I started focusing on the trading techniques my mentor was teaching me. I started blogging and writing again. And out of the blue, my neighbor referred me to teach swimming lessons. I’m connecting with more people through social media, and I’m marketing my book to help people improve their brain health. The best part was that working with Linda was easy, and I was able to do it from the comfort of my own home. She was flexible and worked around my schedule. Linda’s training has also helped me to seek more
guidance and stick with my goal of learning how to become an online trader!”

Melinda Curle | Oakton, Virginia

“We have had the pleasure of Linda’s brilliant content and bright spirit contributing to Women’s Prosperity Network twice (our audience loved her so much, we had to bring her back!) Her presentation was fun, educational, and filled with practical tools our audience could quickly and easily implement. She can connect with the participants in her original Southern style, which made for a truly meaningful experience.”

Nancy Mathews, Speaker ~ Author ~ Success

“Linda recently spoke at our Woman’s Prosperity Network (WPN) Level-Up Program in Tallahassee, and she was a total “Rock Star” on stage. Not only did she have the entire room buzzing about her, but she also impacted them with her offer, Be The Hottest Ticket In Town Program, to continue to help them after the event. Linda closed more than 5-figures in sales from the stage, which is a testament to her dedication to helping women and men grow their businesses and get rid of the things holding them back from achieving greatness – a major theme here at Women’s Prosperity Network. We can’t wait to have her back!”

Trish Carr
Blanca Robinson

“Linda Allred recently delivered a wonderful and very informative workshop to business owners. Everyone knows how valuable and important goals are, but the mind is an incredibly powerful tool … if the goal is not “set” in the mind, chances are it will not be accomplished, at least not with the type of results you want to see. Thanks for driving that point home!”

Susana Zarazua-Gradine, Event Coordinator Ascension Business Connection (ABC)