Best-Selling Author
Linda Allred

Best-Selling Author And “Bad Habit Belief Breaker”

Linda Allred Wants To Help Your Audience

Best-Selling Author Linda Allred

Best-Selling Author And “Bad Habit Belief Breaker”

Linda Allred Wants To Help Your Audienc

As Seen On

Podcasts featuring Dotty Scott, Best Selling Author


For the past 30 years, in more than twenty different venues, Linda Allred has helped people from all walks of life change their futures by helping them Make more money from their business, Lose weight—and keep it off, Quit Smoking, Reduce Stress, Overcome Fear and Anxiety, Attract More Clients, Business and Profits into their lives, Stop Procrastination, And Increase The Value Of Their Time And Expertise.


Journey to Lasting Happiness: A Guide to Living a Happy, Healthy, and Successful Life

“Journey to Lasting Happiness” is a transformative guide authored by Linda Allred, a seasoned expert with over 30 years of experience across 20+ venues, dedicated to helping individuals from diverse backgrounds reshape their futures. Through her multifaceted approach, Linda has empowered countless individuals to achieve various goals, including:

  • Increasing business revenue
  • Sustaining weight loss
  • Overcoming smoking addiction
  • Managing stress effectively
  • Conquering fear and anxiety
  • Attracting more clients, business, and profits
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Enhancing the value of time and expertise

With a track record of success spanning decades, Linda Allred brings a wealth of knowledge and practical tools to guide readers towards lasting transformation and fulfillment in “Journey to Lasting Happiness.”

Journey to Lasting Happiness: A Guide to Living a Happy, Healthy, and Successful Life

Offers a comprehensive exploration of strategies and tools for achieving lasting happiness and personal growth. Through engaging storytelling and practical insights, attendees will:

  1. Unlock Inner Potential and Self-Discovery:
    • Gain insights into the importance of self-discovery and unlocking inner potential.
    • Discover practical strategies for unlocking hidden potential and fostering personal growth.
  2. Strategies for Achieving Happiness and Personal Growth:
    • Explore proven strategies outlined in Linda’s guide for achieving lasting happiness, personal growth, and success.
    • Learn how to apply these strategies in various aspects of life through real-life examples and anecdotes.
    • Acquire actionable steps to enhance happiness and accelerate personal growth.
  3. Overcoming Limitations and Embracing Change:
    • Understand the significance of overcoming limitations and embracing change for lasting happiness.
    • Draw inspiration from stories of individuals who have transformed their lives by embracing change.
    • Learn to navigate challenges with resilience and determination.
  4. “Journey to Lasting Happiness” as a Transformative Companion:
    • Discover the unique value of Linda’s guide as a transformative companion on the path to fulfillment and joy.
    • Experience how the guide ignites inner fire and empowers individuals to embrace positive change.
    • Receive guidance and encouragement to embark on a journey towards lasting happiness, health, and success.

Overall, attendees will leave feeling inspired, equipped with practical tools, and motivated to take action towards achieving lasting happiness and fulfillment in their lives.