Get Happy-Get Healthy


You will learn to adopt a more healthy way of life through listening to the powerful affirmations on this CD. Simply hearing positive statements such as, “My body is becoming healthier. I love and respect my body and eat foods that are healthy for me. I expect good things from life, etc.” will set you on a path to living a rich, vibrant life. ($29.95 value.)



Weight Off NOW – Get Happy-Get Healthy – Self-Hypnosis: (Cost – $497.00)

  • Auditorial  1 – Introduction-Chapter One – Secrets of Naturally Slim and Trim Ladies MP3
  • Auditorial  2 – Chapter Two – The Power of Belief  MP3
  • Auditorial 3  – Chapter Three – Your Road Map to Success
  • Auditorial  4 – Chapter Four – Have a Love Affair with Your Food and Eat LessMP3
  • Auditorial  5 – Chapter Five -Train Your Inner Critic to Be Your Best Friend
  • Auditorial  5- Chapter Six-Visualize Your Success PlanMP3
  • Auditorial  6 – Chapter Seven -The Universal Laws of The Mind
  • Auditorial  6 – Chapter Eight -Enrich Your SpiritMP3
  • WON Educational MaterialsPDF –  (8 Chapters)
  • PS1-Secrets of Naturally Slim Trim Ladies
  • PS2-The Power of Belief
  • PS3-Your Road Map To Success
  • PS5-Train Your Inner Critic To Be Your Best Friend
  • PS6-Visualize Your Success Plan
  • PS7-The Universal Laws of the Mind
  • PS8-Enrich Your Spirit
    4-Part mp4 Video of the Ultimate Weight Loss Solutions Seminar. (We broke the video into 4 parts because it was to big to put into one file.)
  • Positive Affirmation mp3 – “A Slender Body”
  • Positive Affirmation mp3 – “Enjoy Exercising”
  • Self-Hypnosis mp3 – I Am Slim & Trim
  • PS1-Secrets of Naturally Slim Trim LadiesMP3
  • PS2-The Power of BeliefMP3
  • PS3-Your Road Map To Successmp3
  • PS5-Train Your Inner Critic To Be Your Best FriendMp3
  • PS6-Visualize Your Success PlanMP3
  • PS7-The Universal Laws of the MindMP3
  • PS8-Enrich Your SpiritMP3


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